Happiness is a full mailbox

Happiness truly is a full mailbox, both virtually and in real life. I arrived home to find the snail box full of fun stuff, including Interzone 228 with my story "Plague Birds" inside. I also received my Nebula Award Nominee lapel pin and certificate--thanks to the every-wonderful Eugie Foster for sending it my way. Can I wear the Nebula pin with everything, or just on special occasions?

I also received the Progress Report 2 for the 2010 World Fantasy Con. They have things well in hand, with what looks like more than 400 people already registered. If you're thinking about going, I'd suggest registering soon. Last year's WFC ran out of registration spots and I wouldn't be surprised to see the same thing happen again.

As for the virtual mailbox, I received a nice note from Daily s-Press that they'd highlighted my Nebula-nominated novella "Sublimation Angels." Many thanks. Daily s-Press showcases "innovative writers and publishers" and is always worth checking out.