Genre Walking

Are you a science fiction or fantasy fan who enjoys walking or jogging? Want to motivate both yourself and your genre friends to exercise more? Then join in with the newest exercise trend, genre walking!

First, the history: Shaun Duke tweeted last week about all the walking he's doing, at which point I tweeted my own jogging and walking comments and how science fiction and fantasy fans should help motive each other in our exercises. Fabio Fernandes chimed in strong agreement, Shaun said he'd design a website to keep track of everyone's progress, and that's how genre walking was born.

It's easy to genre walk. Every time you walk or jog, tweet your distance with the hashtag #genrewalking. If you see tweets from other SF/F fans who are genre walking, encourage them. You can also enter your distances using the handy genre walking form. To keep track of everyone's progress, click here.

This is not about shaming people. This is not about competition. This is about genre fun and staying healthy. I look forward to seeing everyone on the road to genre fitness!