Shine anthology, Million Writers Award, other updates

Shine A few updates:

  • The most eagerly awaited anthology of 2010 has to be Shine: An Anthology of Optimistic SF, edited by Jetse de Vries. I've already pre-ordered a copy, and I suggest others do the same. As a sweetener, I have a very very short prose poem in the anthology--a piece of Twitter fiction I wrote last year for the Outshine Twitter magazine will help introduce Holly Phillips' story "Summer Ice." I'm thrilled to have a tiny part in the anthology, and can't wait to read the book.
  • The preliminary judges have started submitting their selections for the Million Writers Award notable stories of 2009. So far it looks like a great lineup, and I'm eager to read the stories. I will release the complete list of notable stories on April 1st--and April Fool's Day be damned!
  • One story beloved by the judges was "Quella, Querida, Quintessa" by Matt Bell, published in Guernica. Unfortunately, the story was published this year so can't be considered for the award, but I wanted to still mention it here.
  • Finally, Mark Watson gave a very nice review of my Interzone story "Here We Are, Falling Through Shadows" on his Best SF website, while on IncWriters Andy Hedgecock mentions me alongside other great Interzone authors "who offer idiosyncratic revelation, in rich but elegant language and in a form that, however fragmented, however innovative, has what Graham Joyce has called the primal pulse of storytelling at its heart." Many thanks to both Mark and Andy for the kind words!