Call for Million Writers Award preliminary judges

The 2010 storySouth Million Writers Award for best online short story will kick off in late January, so I'm putting out the call for preliminary judge applicants. These judges help screen the nominations and select the list of notable stories of the year. As always, I hope to select a group of judges from across the literary genres.

To apply, e-mail me your writing, reading and/or editing experience at lapthai (circle a sign) yahoo (dot) com--be sure to tell me why you'd make a good preliminary judge.

And to tie in with this, Robert Laughlin emailed me an interesting fact about the Million Writers Award. For the last three years, the list of Notable Stories has cited those stories chosen by more than one preliminary judge. According to Robert, 37 stories have been so cited, with no author having written more than one of these stories. However, the following online magazines have published multiple stories chosen by more than one preliminary judge: