Jetse de Vries resigns from Interzone

Editor Jetse de Vries has resigned from Interzone, as stated in an announcement on his website. According to Jetse, "The reason is simple: like a rock band where one musician quits because she/he doesn't like the musical direction the band is taking (the well-known 'musical differences'), I am unhappy with the direction and tone the fiction in Interzone will be taking."

Andy Cox and the other Interzone editors have expressed puzzlement at the change in direction Jetse mentioned. Andy even stated on the Asimov's forum that, "There are no changes afoot, no new direction,we've been doing what we've always done, and will continue to do it: simply, publish the best entertaining and thought-provoking modern sf and fantasy we can find, introducing more than our fair share of new writers along the way, and staying uniquely Interzone."

I'm also in the dark about this change of direction Jetse mentioned. But I do want to thank Jetse and the other Interzone editors for the support they have given my writing. Jetse was also the initial editor who picked two of my stories out of the Interzone slushpile (both "The Ships Like Clouds, Risen By Their Rain," published in issue 217 and receiving some very nice reviews, and "When Thorns Are The Tips Of Trees," which is forthcoming in Interzone). So I wish Jetse success in whatever directions his future SF/F work takes him.